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El 'antes y después' de esta modelo está deshaciendo los estereotipos

La finalista a Miss Sudáfrica 2016 Marciel Hopkins se cansó de seguir el modelo de la figura perfecta y éste es el resultado.
mié 24 enero 2018 07:20 AM
Marciel Hopkins
Marciel Hopkins Marciel Hopkins tiene 23 años y está orgullosa de sus curvas. (Foto: Instagram)

Cansada de hacer dieta y presionada por mantener cada parte de su figura en perfecta forma con ejercicio y el más estricto régimen de alimentación, Marciel Hopkins, de 23 años de edad, está haciendo con su propio cuerpo una fuerte declaración contra los estereotipos de moda y belleza impuestos socialmente.

Desde hace varios meses, Marciel decidió relajarse y dejar a su cuerpo ser tal y como es, por lo que ahora come lo que quiere, hace el ejercicio necesario para sentirse bien y disfruta de un cuerpo con nuevas, cómodas y atractivas curvas, con el que modela lencería y sexys trajes de baño.


Lately I've received a number of messages around weightloss advice and questions about which diet I followed for Miss South Africa. I want to give you honest feedback: I never followed a specific diet, but I made drastic lifestyle changes and literally trained my butt off. The picture on the left was after 5 months of intense training and absolutely NO carbs, red meat or alcohol. Chocolates, cake and sweets were swear words! I trained 2 to 3 hours a day and I even worked cardio sessions in over weekends. My boobs shrunk 2 cup sizes and my period stopped. On this specific day of the picture, I got home, freezing after the shoot, and I had a baby apple for dinner. From the picture on the right, more than a year later, I want to say, it's NOT worth it to fight a daily battle with food or your body. Bodies are different, we can't all look the same. Instead of having #bikinibody unrealistic-nonsense-goals that are being spoonfed to us on a daily basis, strive towards being the healthiest and happiest version of yourself (mentally and physically). Don't fight against something that is part of who you are. Self acceptance is a relationship that you have to work on daily. Be sure to make your body your new best friend. Light and love! #bodypositive #bodypositivity #bodyconfidence #loveyourbody #dietculture #unrealisticgoals #bebodyaware #healthnotsize #beautybeyondsize #droptheplus #everybodyisbeautiful #swimwear #bikini #curves #iamallwoman

A post shared by Marciel Hopkins (@marcielhopkins) on

“Estaba siguiendo una dieta escrita y un plan de alimentación durante un año de mi vida para mantener una delgada talla 12. Las personas asociaron mi proceso de pérdida de peso con éxito en el sentido de que nunca en mi vida había trabajado tan duro para llegar a ese logro. Pero ser flaca no me hizo más digna ni feliz como persona”, narra a pie de un ‘before and after’ entre el 2015 y 2017 publicado en su cuenta de Instagram junto muchas otras sexys fotografías de su figura actual.

Quien fuera una de las 12 finalistas del concurso de belleza Miss Sudáfrica hace un par de años, y que entonces perdió 14 kilos de peso para participar en el certamen, ha ganado algunos kilos extra desde entonces y ella se siente perfecta al respecto.

Marciel Hopkins
Marciel fue una de las guapas finalistas del concurso Miss South Africa 2016 (vestido rojo).

“Miro hacia atrás, a la imagen de la izquierda estando en ‘mejor forma’ que nunca, pero aún así nunca estuve satisfecha. El estilo de vida saludable y fitness puede ser un círculo vicioso si nunca se llega a un punto de satisfacción, porque siempre habrá algo qué mejorar”, añadió en otro de sus posts.

This post honours both of my bodies for being worthy and strong. This post celebrates my prerogative to have different body shapes throughout my entire life. The one body is not better than the other, it was just suited for a certain time of my life. I put my body under enormous strain to rock that little red dress, but my lifestyle was not maintainable in the long run. I tried my very best to keep the weight down, but in the end my body kept fighting back. She wanted her natural curves back; she wanted to be a full and rounded figure again. I know we all look back at pictures earlier in our life thinking: "If only I can look like that again." We expect of others to stop body shaming, but we are doing a pretty good job at body shaming ourselves. STOP it right now! There is NO wrong way to have a body. Sadness does not go away when the weight does. You need to love yourself first, today and every day, no matter your current shape or size. Self love and body acceptance is the way forward and I will PREACH it every day of my life if needed. Chin up my beauties, a body is NOTHING to be ashamed of. Instead, it should be celebrated every hour of every day! 🙌❤😙 #healthnotsize #inshapemyshape #bodypositive #bopo #bodyshaming #selflove #selfworth #bodyacceptance #bodycelebration #influencer #bodytransformation #effyourbeautystandards #socialmedia #nowrongwaytohaveabody #iamallwoman #beautybeyondsize

A post shared by Marciel Hopkins (@marcielhopkins) on

La modelo confesó que no comía absolutamente nada de carbohidratos, carne roja ni alcohol y, por supuesto, tenía prohibidos los chocolates, pasteles y demás delicias. Su entrenamiento físico duraba 3 horas diarias y hacía mucho cardio los fines de semana. Confesó que pese a que en cierto momento llegó a lucir espectacular, también tuvo muchos problemas de salud como dejar de menstruar y algunas descompensaciones físicas que pusieron en riesgo su salud.

I was on a strict diet and eating plan for a year of my life to maintain a lean size 12. People associated my weightloss journey with success, which agree with in the sense that I've never in my life worked so hard to achieve a goal. BUT being skinny didn't make me more worthy or happy as a person. I look back at the picture on the left, being in "better shape" than ever, but with that said, never being satisfied. The "health and fitness" lifestyle can be a vicious circle if you never reach a point of satisfaction, because there will always be something to "improve on." We are fast fed with "perfect body" images when we flip open magazines or scroll down our Instagram feed, but it's unrealistic expectations that makes us feel insecure and unworthy. Your worth as a person does NOT depend on how many calories you can burn or how much self-control you have. No size or number on the scale is an indicator of your worth. Take control of the information you feed your mind with on a daily basis and be bold enough to question everyhing you see. Simply unfollow if it makes you feel small, stupid or unworthy. Me on the right is having a positive relationship with my body. We have our up and down days, but we are constantly working on being the best version of ourselves. #healthnotsize #inshapemyshape #beautybeyondsize #bodypositive #bodyconfidence #bodylove #droptheplus #curvemodel #curves #iamallwoman #nudewear #bikini #swimwear #hugyourcurves #worthy #dietculture #weightloss #informationawareness #socialmedia #unrealistic #beautystandards #dontcompare #everybodyisbeautiful #encourage #empower #embrace

A post shared by Marciel Hopkins (@marcielhopkins) on



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